Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Tips On Attracting Local Birds

These are some of the points that helped me to attract native birds.
Living in a place that has lots of trees, and where possible kept free from cats and dogs; placing water and food under a tree as opposed to in the open; make sure you are giving them the correct food (for example not all parrots are seed eaters) and leave it out at the same time each day (I feed twice a day 7.00 am and 3.00 pm);
seek advice from your local bird club or bird shop as they can be of enormous help;
don't leave the hose out on the lawn as some shy birds may think this is a snake.
reduce noise as much as possible, your mood reflects on the mood of the birds; try to find a tree that is not too close to the clothes line; and wear a hat when you go to feed. I cleanup at the end of each day if required so as to avoid rats etc. Suggest at first you don't try to touch the birds as this will frighten them; in time they will come to you. Take photos of the birds and take it to the local bakery and ask for leftovers. I did and I got it for free. Try to get as many of your neighbours as possible interested. The more the better. When you are working with birds, try to move slowly without surprising them. The biggest problem I had was with two species of parrots - the CORELLA and the SULPHUR-CRESTED COCKATOO. In large flocks these species are highly destuctive; they destroy trees, crops, timber window frames etc and are not liked by the local comunity. To feed these birds is not the correct thing to do, so I had to select food that attracted some species but not others. This might help you when it comes to selecting the correct food. As I think of more ideas I will add to this. Maybe you have some tips that you have found helpful and would like to share them with us.


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